The initial vision for Le Visage was to restore the idea of quintessential female beauty that has been largely dormant since the supermodel era. We thought it would be an homage to a time where art and natural beauty once merged into a force that induced a visceral reaction.
However, as this idea evolved throughout our journey, Le Visage represents something even far greater for me and the friends who have helped me launch this inaugural issue. It is a platform designed for and by my peers: the creative directors, muses, editors, stylists, artists, production crew, agents, managers, and all the dreamers who work tirelessly and thanklessly in the pursuit of fulfilling our innate creative passion. We share a particular desire to conjure dreams through intricate mise-en-scene and I cannot express enough gratitude to those who were a part of our various adventures. We hope that Le Visage restores optimism to those who still believe in artistic freedom and unadulterated expression. Welcome to the first chapter of our thesis that
beauty is above everything.